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About my reviews/recommended list

Hello everyone!

I've had people asking me recently so I thought I'd explain how things work here.

I'm a very picky reader. I very rarely like anything outside of my preferred genres (fantasy (epic/high/dark), sci-fi, horror (monster not slasher)). I do enjoy things that are different sometimes, poetry is my guilty pleasure because I can't write it and have mad respect for anyone who can. Every once in a while I'll see a romance that intrigues me, or a YA (but I honestly don't like most of either of those genres no matter how well they're written).

Because I know my taste is so picky and it is usually just my preference and nothing to do with how awesome your story is, I will only review books I've bought on my own. I only buy books from authors using Twitter advertising (and mostly independent/self published). Every book on my list is there because I bought it from the advertisement, I enjoyed it, and I believe the writer is talented.

This means, if you come up and ask me to review your book, I'm going to say no. If you'd like me to review you and to get on my recommended list you need to be advertising on Twitter with an advertisement that grabs my attention. And I don't mean by tagging me and saying hey, look.

I'm not much of a book reviewer to be honest. I don't write huge beautiful reviews. I will leave stars for things I can honestly rate 3+ (though I prefer to only review if I can leave 4+). If I can't give you a high rating I am not going to rate you because I feel like even if I didn't enjoy it that is very subjective, especially since I'm so picky. Since I know that about myself I just won't review if I didn't like your book.

So while I love all the writers out there and completely support all of you, I am not the ideal person to review just any book. I do wish you all the best though and keep going! You will find your audience even if I'm not it!

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